Freedom News

A chronology of pogroms in Lesvos

The situation on the island of Lesvos was escalating towards the freezing of all transfers of refugees to the inland, after a government decision around September 2019, while in January 2020 a new law (4636/2019) regarding the political asylum and reception conditions was put into force, changing the essence of who is entitled to a

Solidarity against barbarism: The fight against coronavirus and the far-right in the USA

This interview was originally published by Brighton Antifascists. Like everyone else we’ve been in lockdown, spending a lot of time at home with our stockpile of beans in our Antifa™ bunker. But we’ve also stayed active playing our part in local organising initiatives in Brighton and further afield – food banks, food deliveries, mutual aid

Evictions make us sick!: squatters take action on Mayday

Squat solidarity! This Mayday squatters from across the U.K. have come together to co-ordinate decentralised actions across the country to highlight our plight and address our needs. Both residential and commercial buildings have been occupied to provide housing for ourselves and the others left high and dry during this time of crisis, and banners have

Syndicalist unions and Covid-era resistance: A CIT roundup

The anarcho-syndicalist international, founded in 2018, looks at workplace struggle in its branches worldwide and calls for the building of new forms of solidarity amid the lockdowns. With the corona crisis, the world has suddenly entered a new phase of intense class struggle. This is impressively documented by a map of (for the most part) wildcat strikes

Domestic murder and migration

In October the UK’s domestic murder rate reached a five-year high. 173 people were killed in domestic violence related homicides over the last year, with women most often the targets (making up more than 60% of victims) and men most often the perpetrators (making up 93% of the defendants). Domestic murder — often referred to

Climate change, displacement and Australia’s punitive immigration system

In Australia, deadly fires have been devastating the country since September 2019. Bushfires have destroyed homes, habitats, and have claimed the lives of more than 30 people so far. It is estimated that over one billion animals have died. The total area of land affected by fires across Australia is now comparable to England’s land