Freedom News

Beneath the hustle, the human

Beneath the hustle, the human

Mayday is the workers’ day and thus this is written on a Friday, scheduled via automaton. Our writers and editors have set down quill, doused keyboard, darkened shop, and will be spending their time precisely how they like. An anomaly, based on a story told of Martyrs, a stillness from a section of the public

Evictions make us sick!: squatters take action on Mayday

Evictions make us sick!: squatters take action on Mayday

Squat solidarity! This Mayday squatters from across the U.K. have come together to co-ordinate decentralised actions across the country to highlight our plight and address our needs. Both residential and commercial buildings have been occupied to provide housing for ourselves and the others left high and dry during this time of crisis, and banners have

London: TERFs crash Mayday march

London: TERFs crash Mayday march

Today in London, a group of Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) attempted to join the Mayday march with a transphobic banner. After being challenged by the London Anti-Fascist Assembly (LAFA) and other members of the parade together with two members from Edinburgh Antifa,  the TERFs then called the march stewards who also agreed that their

Indonesia: solidarity call for anarchists imprisoned in Yogyakarta

Indonesia: solidarity call for anarchists imprisoned in Yogyakarta

Some worrying news reached us from Indonesia. On Mayday this year, workers, students and youths took to the streets of Yogyakarta to protest against the ‘feudal monarchy society and the repression of the state apparatus in building the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA) infrastructure mega project that rid the peasants of Kulon Progo’. During the protest,