Freedom News

Pretty Vaccined! Trust, Dignity and Revolutionary Medicine

You know what’s great about Capitalism? Choices! Lot’s of fucking choices. As the workers of the west are mostly dependent on wage slavery, this international workers day is dedicated to our most powerful illusion – choice. Everyday I am faced with an avalanche of choices and I don’t even have a wage. Do I take

Futureless Present, Time and Social Transformation

The following is the introduction of the new book “Common Futures: Social Transformation and Political Ecology” by Yavor Tarinski and Alexandros Schismenos. Futureless Present Why have we incorporated the term ‘future’ in the title of this book, one might ask. Well, most of all, because we live in a futureless present. This might seem quite

Greek Horror:
 How an Epstein level paedophile scandal could connect to the first time in Greek history that a political prisoner dies of hunger strike

CW: mentions of child sexual abuse. Two parallel stories are escalating in the Greek news these days.
 Both are of historical significance, but with very different volume of coverage.
 They are stories of two very different men, who share no resemblance but their first name.
 The men are Dimitris Lignadis and Dimitris Koufontinas, 
and their

Kropotkin: Syndicalism and Anarchism

The following long read first appeared in Freedom’s July and August issues in 1912, as the Great Unrest was in full swing. He discusses the differences between northern and southern European attitudes, and the problems caused by a failure to push into revolutionary territory. I We are asked on many sides: “What is Syndicalism? What

Artin, little man, I remember you.

Late last month a family of five died when their boat sank trying to cross the Channel. Bruno L had met them just days before, while passing out aid, and writes here about a family full of love, and a toddler full of joy, and a things that should not have happened.

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Pandemic On the very day that Republican President Trump was apparently on supplemental oxygen, having contracted Covid-19 as a result of his stupidity and ignorance, the Republican Supreme Court in the