Freedom News

Spain: Comments on the general election

Spain: Comments on the general election

With the left and right deadlocked, syndicalist union the CGT notes the far-right is no less of a threat for its failure to enter government and whoever wins, improvements can’t be expected for the working class without direct struggle. On July 23rd we saw new political elections in Spain and, as always, it was not

Spain: They evict community spaces to give them away to speculators

Spain: They evict community spaces to give them away to speculators

Todo Por Hacer rounds up some of the occupied social centres (commonly known as CSOs) in and around Madrid – and the battles these spaces been fighting with speculative capital. When squatted and self-managed social centers in Madrid are in good health it is indicative of lively activism in the city’s communities. If they languish, on

Spain: Cops raid and evict Lioness social centre

Spain: Cops raid and evict Lioness social centre

In a demonstration of repressive policing, Seville cops attacked and destroyed the squatted space on the day it opened for community use – having spent six months largely ignoring it while it was cleared and made useable. The politically-charged eviction at a former concert hall targeted a site that was about to provide a community

Spain: CNT archives attacked

Spain: CNT archives attacked

The Fundación Anselmo Lorenzo (FAL) archive and bookshop, a major anarchist institution in Madrid, was attacked with a pickaxe and paint overnight during the weekend. FAL is a foundation established by CNT to preserve the rich history of the libertarian movement in Spain and to promote anarchist ideas and culture. It has a bookshop, a

Spain: striking field workers call for solidarity

Spain: striking field workers call for solidarity

On 14th January, the workers of the British company Fresh Tom Export in Almería (South Spain), a vegetable grower and trading company specialising in tomato crops, decided by almost unanimous vote to go on indefinite strike. On Tuesday 19th January, the workers started the strike officially and it has been massively followed since then. The