Freedom News

An anarchist & trade-unionist critique of education

This essay is an attempt to further elucidate and elaborate on a previous article written about the British Eurocentric education curriculum. In the instigating article, I write about the usurpation of history through academic revival and conserving a certain historic and narrative arc. I go on to talk about the purposeful deification of white accomplishment

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Freedom’s Notes from the US (which has been published without interruption since 2005) doesn’t normally concern itself with ‘moods’ or ‘atmospheres’. And while it is impossible to gauge the extent of

Don’t despair, organise!: Reading Red Kitchen

Like many homeless people during the lockdown, asylum-seeking migrants are being bundled into cramped hotels. With their asylum allowance confiscated, they rely on 2 x plain pasta meals and weird small shampoo sachets. Mums can’t buy nappies. People can’t buy pants. The food is horrendous. They are bored, depressed and have no autonomy. There’s blatant

Poland: Stop Bzdurom, Queer struggle and the events of yesterday in Warsaw

Dozens of people were arrested in Warsaw yesterday following the police executing a court order granting two-month pre-trial detention of a member of Stop Bzdurom (Stop Bullshit) queer collective Małgorzata Szutowicz (Margot)* concerning a direct action involving alleged damage to a truck driving around Warsaw blasting homophobic hate speech (or indeed, bullshit) from its loudspeakers. 

Hearts of Oak- threat or a joke?

Saturday saw the public debut of a new attempt to “unite the right”. A new organisation called “Hearts of Oak” held its inaugural demo in Parliament Square. The backers of this new organisation makes it look like an attempt to reboot the coalition that emerged around the “Day for Freedom” in May 2018, which saw

On defunding and refunding: covid vs. counter-terrorism

A history of trading protection for persecution. For years, the UK government has known that a pandemic was the greatest threat to British security. A tier-one disaster with the highest possible impact upon daily lives.  It wasn’t terrorism or extremism or foreigners, it was an “influenza-type pandemic”. Why, then, has the last decade brought a

Glasgow: Mears Group Evades Responsibility as Asylum-Seekers in Hotels Refuse Food and Call for Protest Action

Over twenty asylum-seeking individuals forcibly moved by the Mears group into cramped hotel accommodation in Glasgow have been refusing to eat the mouldy, undercooked and culturally inappropriate food that Mears provides and are calling for action to protest the Mears group’s abysmal, dehumanising treatment of people they receive public money to provide safe accommodation for.