Freedom News
Clean energy can’t save us

Clean energy can’t save us

October 10th: From green consumerism to degrowth and radical systemic change ~  Yavor Tarinski ~ It is a good thing that there is increasingly more talk about the looming catastrophe that threatens our societies because of climate change and deepening ecological crises.
Hate fascism, hate the spectacle: Far right wins Austrian elections

Hate fascism, hate the spectacle: Far right wins Austrian elections

October 9th: Instead of self-righteous identity politics, our practice should oppose fake empowerment narratives ~ Anon Grata ~ A right-wing populist party has won the elections in yet another European country—but as the international media reminds us, it’s not any country: it’s both the birthplace of the leader of historical Nazi-Fascism, and the cradle of modern post-fascist

How valuable are “British values”?

How valuable are “British values”?

October 8th: A teacher and philosophical anarchist reflects on schools' imposed language~ Scott Lux ~I have two confessions to make; First, I am part of the state system: I am a teacher, inculcating society’s rules in this sociocultural context since the mid-1990s.

Notes from the US: Subterfuge and force

Notes from the US: Subterfuge and force

September 23rd: Racism and the threat to enforce it by violence seem to be lapping into ever more areas of public life ~ Louis Further ~ The fervent inbuilt racism of many (most?) members of the élite — especially, but not only, on the right, and certainly woven into the fabric of the Republican Party — continues

Seattle is never coming back: Reflections on the Democratic National Convention

Seattle is never coming back: Reflections on the Democratic National Convention

September 13th: Aboveground organizers will need to facilitate practical experimentation by belowground militants, who in turn must cultivate zones of indistinction from the broader, legal movement ~ Lake Effect Collective The Democratic National Convention descended on Chicago during the last week of August, bringing with it swarms of police and politicians who quickly rendered the city uninhabitable.

Anti-fascism and the Gaza genocide

Anti-fascism and the Gaza genocide

September 9th: When the far right perpetrates mass murder on the cusp of world war, comparison is not a provocation but a duty

Grenfell: Avoidable deaths and the pursuit of profit

Grenfell: Avoidable deaths and the pursuit of profit

September 6th: Ritual apologies and promises of justice tomorrow offer no solutions to the underlying causes of Grenfell.

The space between us: Parenting and the generation gap

The space between us: Parenting and the generation gap

September 5th: I am not the parent I thought I’d be, but revolutions rarely unfold as we predict

Neo-fascism’s false mantle of insurrection

Neo-fascism’s false mantle of insurrection

September 3rd: The far right is not 'revolting', only upholding white supremacism with performative violence

Sticking your claim

Sticking your claim

September 3rd: Stickering may be limited as a means of changing minds, but its role in the opening up physical space is underappreciated