Freedom News

Labour’s anti-trans health betrayal

Labour’s anti-trans health betrayal

Trans people must form coalitions to face a government joining the side of cruelty ~ Kell w Farshéa ~ From the genocide in Gaza to refusing to apologise for the enslavement of millions of Africans, from the two-child cap to banning all trans healthcare for under 18s  – Keir Starmer’s government is showing us that

A too-common problem of class and migration

A too-common problem of class and migration

Here’s a story of someone whose life doesn’t matter. A 72-year-old, undocumented migrant. Paperless. Trained in his own country as a joiner — a celebrated one, according to his family. Over time, a majority of his siblings move to Britain along with his mum, frail and dying. Tragedy strikes — his beautiful wife dies young.

Democracy and the NHS

Democracy and the NHS

The mythology regarding the 1945-51 Labour governments dies hard on the left, particularly in the era of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour which often sees itself taking up the mantle of an older, less compromised, form of state socialism. The foundation of the welfare state and the National Health Service is a special touchstone, with both it

Notes From America: November

Notes From America: November

Louis Further rounds up news from the USA for the months of October and November.   Racism Kalief Browder was a 16-year-old high school student from the Bronx when he was accused of stealing a Rucksack by a mistaken witness driving around in the back of a New York Police Department police patrol car. Although