Items discussed in this program: Valencia anger after flooding • First contact with Ocalan in almost 4 years • Trump victory and the ‘far right international’ • UK at Climate summit • AI job losses
Tag: Turkey
First contact with Abdullah Öcalan in years as conflict escalates in Iraqi Kurdistan
Supporters hail prison visit a step towards a political resolution to the Kurdish question ~ Alisa-Ece Tohumcu ~ Supporters of incarcerated Kurdish leader Abdullah Öcalan have made a significant political breakthrough as Turkish authorities permitted his first face-to-face meeting with a family member for almost four years. The Kurdish National Congress (KNK) reported on 24 October that Öcalan
Turkey’s Escalation in Iraqi Kurdistan
Turkey has exponentially increased its military presence in Iraqi Kurdistan recently, causing concern over regional stability in a crisis that shows the importance of political systems in a region often reduced to ethnic groups. This most recent militarisation started in June, with the Kurdish National Congress (KNK) releasing a press statement on July 1st, denouncing
Sixth anniversary of Turkey’s war against Afrin
Many are still living in refugee camps in Sheba, close to Afrin, hoping to one day return to a liberated homeland.
Ongoing: Turkey launches Christmas Day attack on North and East Syria
First reports already spoke of 13 wounded and 8 martyred
Police invade Kurdish Assembly
This invasion by the Metropolitan Police comes only two days after UK defence minister Grant Shapps and Turkish counterpart Yaşar Güler held a meeting agreeing to “enhance” defence and security cooperation.
Stand in solidarity against Turkish war crimes in Syria
Take the war back to those responsible profiteers, companies and governments!
“If Erdogan loses there will be a big party. If he wins, people will go to prison”
Freedom interviewed with two election observers from the UK in Turkey for the presidential election:
Earthquake reveals growing cracks in Turkish political establishment
It’s sometime in the afternoon of February 7th, a day after the earthquake that shook Turkey and Syria. I am scrolling through my social media feed and all I see are very specific pleas for help: “So and so building on so and so street has collapsed and there is no one on-site for rescue.
Recent decision to stop all attacks of Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla
Repost from Kurdistan Democratic Communities Union (KCK) of parts of an interview with Duran Kalkan, member of the KCK Executive Council: “The centre of the earthquake and the areas hit by it are the areas where the PKK was founded. It is a geography that the PKK knows very well. In other words, 70 percent