Deep-seated racism and xenophobia persist within the white majority, mirroring the fundamentalism and hatred cultivated among marginalised communities — The burgeoning neo-fascism is just a symptom, not the disease itself. This echoes all historical fascist waves, that emerged in the new era that started with the colonial genocides, the consequent ‘enlightenment’ and the industrial revolution.
Tag: Racism
Notes from the US: The sewer of supremacist lies
Failing to capture the White House will not stop the MAGA cult in its onslaught on vulnerable Americans and life on earth — After the failed assassination of Trump on 13 July in Pennsylvania, there was a clutch of threats by members of the MAGA cult to kill their enemies in revenge. It’s to be
Resisting Nazi Occult Metal: Lessons from Australia
Black Metal still has a far right problem—here are some tools to fight back Despite what some fans may claim, far right political organizing in the extreme metal scene was not a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon that ended in the 1990s. In parallel with the global rise of fascism over the past decade, National Socialist Black Metal
Racism forced me to leave teaching
What use is an anti-racist curriculum delivered by a racist teacher?
Notes from US: The bureaucratic apocalypse
From our US correspondent: Racism Republicans throughout the United States have the wind behind them in their supremacist agendas nationally in Washington DC and in the states locally. In Missouri, for instance, the white Speaker (chairperson) of the state legislature silenced a black representative who was trying to draw attention to the ways in which
Private hire drivers oppose discriminatory English language test policy from Transport for London
Private hire drivers from the Independent Workers’ Union of Great Britain (IWGB) are condemning the Transport for London (TfL) policy that requires workers to pass two English language tests to be allowed to work in London. The two tests, the first speaking and listening and the second reading and writing, were brought in in October
Notes from the US: OAN out
We can start with some good news this month. As reported previously in Notes, far-right channel One America News has finally been dropped from telecom giant AT&T’s line-up of available channels via its subsidiary Direct TV. AT&T’s share of the cable providers is less than a quarter of that broadcast by market leader Comcast, but
Activist spends 76 hours wrongfully detained – when will the police be held to account?
HS2 Activist has been released after being held on remand for 76 hours at HMP Dovegate, Staffordshire. He was wrongfully arrested on breach of bail, which he was cleared of on Monday 14th March. This is an extremely long time to be held without cause and is unusual compared with the treatment of white protestors.
HMP Wakefield: End racist violence against prisoners in segregation, demand demonstrators
CW: mentons of suicide. Campaigners demonstrated last Sunday at HMP Wakefield to demand an end to racist and inhumane treatment of prisoners kept in the segregation unit. In the last month, prison guards have physically assaulted Black and Jewish prisoners, denied them access to food and letters, and encouraged one prisoner to attempt suicide. A
Murder by negligence on EU border
Last month, Freedom reported on the plight of 32 people from Afghanistan seeking asylum in the EU imprisoned on the Polish-Belarus border and left there without food, shelter or medical assistance for weeks. These people are the victims of a diplomatic spat between the dictatorial regime of Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko and the EU. The Belarusian government