Freedom News

Murder by negligence on EU border

Murder by negligence on EU border

Last month, Freedom reported on the plight of 32 people from Afghanistan seeking asylum in the EU imprisoned on the Polish-Belarus border and left there without food, shelter or medical assistance for weeks. These people are the victims of a diplomatic spat between the dictatorial regime of Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko and the EU. The Belarusian government

32 people from Afghanistan are currently imprisoned by armed guards on Poland-Belarus border

32 people from Afghanistan are currently imprisoned by armed guards on Poland-Belarus border

In this episode of Freedom’s informal series “The Fuckeries of Poland“, we will discuss the plight of a group of people from Afghanistan currently stuck on the Polish-Belarusian border. As some readers may be aware, Belarus, apparently in revenge for the EU sanctions, is attempting to get back at Fortress Europe by allowing (and most

The right-wing wants terror: statement from Rozbrat squat on the protests in Poland

The right-wing wants terror: statement from Rozbrat squat on the protests in Poland

During the Women’s Strike demonstrations taking place this Wednesday across Poland, organized groups of men attacked mostly women protesters in several cities. The attackers were members and supporters of the extreme right, together with some football hooligan circles. Neo-nazis attacked women with clubs, knives and stun guns. In the city of Wrocław, a woman journalist

What the hell is happening in Poland? 

What the hell is happening in Poland? 

I’m assuming you all already know that a massive protest movement took over Poland since last Thursday when the country’s constitutional tribunal ruled that abortion carried out when the foetus is malformed is against the constitution. By delivering this decision, the tribunal effectively delegalised abortion in Poland. The protests started immediately after the verdict and,