Freedom News

Brexit and the Borders of Humanity

Joe Reynolds writes on the phenomenon of the Calais migrant situation as he saw it in 2016, at the height of the media panic, amid Brexit manoeuvrings and a violent French crackdown. The borders of the United Kingdom are militarised with both the language of fear and the chemical burn of tear gas. From the

The Green Anti-Capitalist Front Week of Action 2020: what’s on

It is our great pleasure to report that the Green Anti-Capitalist Front are still holed up in the building formerly known as Paddington Green police station. Much to the dismay of coppers everywhere, GAF have transformed this former temple of state violence into the headquarters for their 2020 week of action, which culminates in the

The anti-NGO discourse in Greece and anti-Semitic conspiracy theories

These days in Greece an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory has successfully infiltrated the public discourse. Officials of the right-wing New Democracy government, as well as by journalists of major media outlets, express suspicion regarding the role of NGOs in the movement of refugees. An increasing amount of voices demand for NGOs that act in the sphere

Independence from what?: The Canine Anarchist Expropriators of Catalonia

 Trigger Warning This story contains numerous instances of literary fraud and copyright theft that some middle class readers might find distressing. Far from the mainstream nationalist debates on independence, our failure to coherently confront power and offer meaningful alternatives, a community of squatters and expropriators live on the coast of Catalonia. I squatted Castillo Parasito

Independence from what? The Canine Anarchist Expropriators

Far from the mainstream nationalist debates on independence, our failure to coherently confront power and offer meaningful alternatives, a community of squatters and expropriators live on the coast of Catalonia. … Warning: This story contains numerous instances of literary fraud and copyright theft that some middle class readers might find distressing. I squatted Castillo Parasito

Anarcho-Syndicalist Workers’ Revolution in Catalonia

   In an interview with world famous Dutch-Canadian journalist Pierre Van Paassen, Anarcho-Syndicalist leader and Spanish Loyalist general Buenaventura Durruti said:       “We are giving Hitler and Mussolini far more worry with our revolution than the whole Red Army of Russia. We are setting an example to the German and Italian working class on how to