Freedom News

Don’t despair, organise!: Guillotine Media

In the next chapter of our mini-series dedicated to new groups and projects forming across the UK and beyond, we introduce Guillotine Media: London-based podcast focusing on grassroots left wing activism. Are you involved in a new, or not that new but lacking the attention it deserves, project and want to share your experience? Drop

Governments always overestimate what people will tolerate

From Chile to Hong Kong, through Catalonia to France — it has been kicking off everywhere. It all just needs a spark. What these events have in common is that they were all sparked by a government decision, of lesser or greater significance, but in all cases the States which did so thought they could

Syndicalism and the working class experience

In this classic explainer of trade unionism without bureaucrats from 1952, Philip Sansom (pictured) considers the thinking behind anarcho-syndicalism before giving an example from the time — the fascinating and little-known Mutual Aid Society of the Euston railwaymen. The trouble with most theories is that they have so little relationship with the facts. One can

French anarchists on the strike for pensions

The following statement from France’s anarchist CNT-AIT union analyses the nature of yesterday’s general strike, which has brought out millions of people and affected everything from schools and transport to legal services and hospitals. The battle for pensions begins. But this is not a simple union battle for the defence of social gains, let alone

“Power anywhere where there’s people!” – 50 years since the FBI murdered Fred Hampton

Fifty years ago to the day, Fred Hampton – the 21 year old deputy chairman of the Black Panther Party – was assassinated by the FBI and the Chicago Police Department. At the time of his murder, Hampton, a political organiser of extraordinary skill, was cementing a ‘Rainbow Coalition’ of political groups and street gangs