Freedom News

Haringey Solidarity Group: A Celebration of 30 years of radical ideas and campaigning in Haringey and beyond

Haringey Solidarity Group: A Celebration of 30 years of radical ideas and campaigning in Haringey and beyond

May 11th 2021 was the 30th anniversary of the Haringey Solidarity Group in North London. To celebrate we held a special online event looking at some of the activities and struggles the group has been involved in over the 3 decades since its foundation. Those attending contributed some memories and reflections, and some views on

Crops NOT Shops: Growing the Mutual Millennium

Crops NOT Shops: Growing the Mutual Millennium

Last month I suggested that there was good reason to believe that we were witnessing the birth of the ‘mutual millennium’. Austerity, socio-economic polarisation and the shuffling incompetence of the zombified neoliberal economy had already seen a slow and steady stream of grassroots community innovation as the wages and social securities of the poorest were

Save Sinjajevina: Herders and activists protect unique Montenegrin pastures from military occupation

Save Sinjajevina: Herders and activists protect unique Montenegrin pastures from military occupation

After a mobile blockade lasting almost two months, a small group of traditional herders and activists has successfully repelled NATO and the Montenegrin military’s efforts to occupy the territory of Sinjajevina in Montenegro – the largest mountain grassland in the Balkans and the second in Europe. In an archetypal David and Goliath encounter, Sinjajenivan herders

Don’t despair, organise!: Affinity Collective

Don’t despair, organise!: Affinity Collective

Immense urban belts are encroaching unrelentingly on the countryside, replacing flora and fauna with concrete, metal and glass, and enveloping large regions in a haze of atmospheric pollutants. In the mass urban world, human experience itself becomes crude and elemental, subject to brute noisy stimuli and crass bureaucratic manipulation… Years ago, the French students in

Shunning Treesponsibility: South Yorkshire still a dangerous place… if you’re a tree!

Shunning Treesponsibility: South Yorkshire still a dangerous place… if you’re a tree!

Learning absolutely nothing from the 8-year-long Sheffield Tree Felling Protests, South Yorkshire’s Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council (DMBC) have been busy implementing their own legally dubious plan to fell 64 healthy lime trees on Middlefield Road in the Doncaster suburb of Bessacarr. The unfortunate trees have been targeted because of suspected root damage to pavements and