Freedom News

A cartography of police violence

A cartography of police violence

The map, wrote Sylvia Wynter, is a function. And therefore a function can be mapped. Cartography has never been neutral and its function is always the representation of an interest. It is both domination and subversion. Colonial and anti-colonial. Personal and impersonal. It has everything to do with geography and absolutely nothing to do with

Squat Repression in Bristol

Squat Repression in Bristol

This is a statement from some squatters in Bristol, who had 4 squats, including 40a Space, Salvation Army mutual aid/social centres and Wonky Arrow Books, a radical library.
 In the past days, we’ve had our buildings forcibly closed with anti-social behaviour orders, and we’ve been raided by hundreds of riot police. We’ve been beaten, pepper-sprayed,

Black Protest Legal Support condemns police violence against Free Palestine protesters

Black Protest Legal Support condemns police violence against Free Palestine protesters

Black Protest Legal Support (BPLS) has condemned police violence seen in London during the Free Palestine and Colombia protests last Saturday. Below, Freedom reproduces the statement from BPLS. CW: Police brutality, racialised violence. BPLS condemns the continued levels of extreme police violence and aggression towards Free Palestine protesters in London on 15th May, including a

“Power anywhere where there’s people!” – 50 years since the FBI murdered Fred Hampton

“Power anywhere where there’s people!” – 50 years since the FBI murdered Fred Hampton

Fifty years ago to the day, Fred Hampton – the 21 year old deputy chairman of the Black Panther Party – was assassinated by the FBI and the Chicago Police Department. At the time of his murder, Hampton, a political organiser of extraordinary skill, was cementing a ‘Rainbow Coalition’ of political groups and street gangs

Poland: court orders investigation into police torture of anarchists

Poland: court orders investigation into police torture of anarchists

CW: torture, police brutality A court in Warsaw heard an appeal against the prosecutor’s decision to discontinue the investigation regarding two police officers suspected of abuse of power, mistreatment and inhuman treatment of three anarchists following their arrest in May 2016. The court ruled that the case, previously dropped twice by the prosecution, must be