Freedom News

Greece: Harsh sentencing for squatters 

Greece: Harsh sentencing for squatters 

Matrozou 45 re-occupiers sentenced to 77 months together while 79 defenders of the Prosfygika community go on trial today ~ Kit Dimou ~ In Athens, the trial continues today of 79 defenders of the Prosfygika community who resisted a police raid in 2022. On Tuesday, four participants in the re-occupation of the Matrozou squat in

On the practices of radical punk

On the practices of radical punk

From shows in squats to militant action, punk shows the convergence between class consciousness, psychedelic consciousness, and consciousness-raising (1/3) ~ Alex Ratcharge, from Audimat ~ For all intents and purposes, let us say that I am neither a theoretician, nor a philosopher, nor a specialist in political matters, but a humble 40-year-old reader, also a fanzine publisher and the author of a novel (Shortcut to Nowhere) exploring the world of punk and autonomous squats in France and Navarre – fictions inspired by my experience since, to quote NOFX, “I’ve been a punk- rocker for most of my life”