Freedom News

University asylum, campus cops and student struggles in Europe

University asylum, campus cops and student struggles in Europe

Anarchist students consider New Democracy’s intervention in Greek universities in the broader context of an EU-wide remaking of education along neoliberal lines. This is the second of a two-part series: Part one, Greek Cops Out of our Universities! is here. This article is an analysis of educational restructuring, the violation and attempt to abolish asylum

SOAS management tricked cleaners into exposing themselves to COVID-19

SOAS management tricked cleaners into exposing themselves to COVID-19

With an already extensive repertoire of exploitation, the cleaners at SOAS have exposed yet another instance of management’s discriminatory and negligent behaviour. On March 12th, an anonymous post appeared on Reddit and the SOASk Me Out Facebook page (which is mostly terrible attempts at passive flirting). The message was in response to the university’s official

Lecturers and cleaners stand together as 1,000 picket UCL

Lecturers and cleaners stand together as 1,000 picket UCL

Up to 1,000 members of academics union UCU and base union IWGB and their supporters walked the pickets today as part of the first-ever joint strike between cleaners and academic staff at University College London (UCU). The IWGB, representing cleaners, security officers and porters, joined UCU chanting, “Two strikes, one fight!” and, “UCL you’re out

Germany: State tries to block university anarchist groups

Germany: State tries to block university anarchist groups

Federal security agency the BfV was caught recently making a bizarre intervention at Leipzig University to demand anarcho-syndicalist union branch FAU Leipzig be banned from holding an introductory meeting during freshers week. The university was targeted during the approval period for events at the its winter semester 2018/19, which anarchist groups have been involved in

Plan C: On the university pensions struggle

Plan C: On the university pensions struggle

Elio Di Muccio writes on the encouraging strength of recent strike action and the potential for a more radical attack against the long programme of marketisation which has afflicted higher education. The student movement which started in 2010 in protest of the tripling of tuition fees in higher education predominantly took the form of direct