Freedom News

The Anarchist Big Issue

If you know, then you know. They be slanging DOPE in Angel Alley. Sliding up past Whitechapel Gallery like a needle to a vein, people come for two kinds. One of them they smoke in foil wraps with dragon flame lighters.   The other they give out at the anarchist bookshop, targeting kids, prisoners and homeless

The Social Centre Bulletin: The Ups and Downs of the Cwtch

Eight years ago, near enough to the day, a handful of activists and homeless had some plans. The rain was chucking it down as we were stood outside our goal sizing the building up. It had been sitting empty for years, neglected and falling apart, a local icon left to fade. It was a suitable

The Social Centre Bulletin: GAS and bookfairs

Is there really anywhere else quite like a good social centre? Peter Ó’Máille considers the value of rebel community hubs and updates on what’s happening in our libertarian networks. Whether heady with punky vibes and revolution like the Red and Black Umbrella (pictured above) was or more holistic community focused like Nottingham’s Sumac with its

Statement to announce London Bookfair 2020

We’re excited to announce that an Anarchist bookfair will be returning to London in October 2020. This event is being organised by a new collective of individuals from across London and the UK. The composition of the organising collectives behind the various Anarchist bookfairs in London has changed many times over the years and we

The Social Centre Bulletin

This new column for Freedom News aims to support and publicise what’s happening at radical social centres around Britain. Social centres are fantastic hubs for their communities and the gathering points for rebels and revolutionaries. These bastions of liberty provide an inestimable service to the people who use them. They should be supported at every

Book review: Kropotkin — Reviewing the Classical Anarchist Tradition

“Kinna is right that Kropotkin has been misunderstood, that the common perspective of his politics is distinctly at odds with what he actually advocated, and her book helps put the record straight.” by Ruth KinnaEdinburgh University Press, 2016ISBN: 978-1474428378272pp Review by Iain McKay Anarchists from Proudhon onwards have met with misunderstanding and not a little

Diving into our early syndicalist histories

It is a standard cliché of Marxist attacks on anarchism to contrast “individualistic” anarchism with “collectivist” syndicalism. “Individualists” are backward looking, reactionary and beyond the pale while “syndicalists” are almost Marxist, and so worthy of faint praise. Another, also wrong, cliché with wider acceptance is that syndicalism arose in France during the 1890s in response

Orwell among the anarchists

Vernon, Richards George Orwell at Home (and Among the Anarchists): Essays and Photographs, (1998) London: Freedom Press. Photographs by Vernon Richards. Essays by Vernon Richards, Colin Ward, and Nicholas Walter. Review by Raymond S. Solomon There are few people who had the knowledge and understanding of George Orwell as did the three contributors to George

Urgent fundraiser: Freedom News needs your help!

In late January, Freedom’s news editor received an email from “the authorised representative of the copyright holder” of an image we had published a year prior. “It has come to our attention that the Copyright Work has been reproduced [by Freedom]  without our permission”, it informed us, and that “as a result of your unauthorised