Freedom News

Organise or Starve: Life under lockdown in South Africa’s shackdweller movements

Abahlali baseMojondolo write on the solidarity being shown in the face of State and capital’s violence against impoverished South Africans. Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic social movements have been in the forefront of building networks of mutual aid and solidarity. In Brazil our comrades in the Landless Workers’ Movement, the MST, have already

Solidarity against barbarism: The fight against coronavirus and the far-right in the USA

This interview was originally published by Brighton Antifascists. Like everyone else we’ve been in lockdown, spending a lot of time at home with our stockpile of beans in our Antifa™ bunker. But we’ve also stayed active playing our part in local organising initiatives in Brighton and further afield – food banks, food deliveries, mutual aid

Interview: Ruth Kinna

Freedom spoke to Ruth Kinna, author of numerous books on anarchism about the origins and key concepts of anarchism. What do you find most attractive about anarchism? I like the starting point. Anarchists usually start with a critique of injustice and an assumption of social imperfection. I would say that the anarchist project is to