Freedom News

Dealing with 420 under lockdown

Thanks to the immutable cultural significance of the number 420*, the 20th of April has become certified official International Weed Day and it’s landed right in the middle of lockdown.

Anarchist farm: a revolutionary feast

Food — or the potential lack of it — has played on a lot of people’s minds lately. The government’s mixed-messages, misinformation and pointless power-play with regard to the coronavirus pandemic led to fear-induced panic-buying which highlighted the weakness of ‘just in time’ supply chains; which are, of course, designed to maximise profit rather than

COVID-19 and social reproduction

This text first appeared at, a platform publishing comment and critique related to anarchist activism, anarchist academia, and the wider world as viewed through an anarchist lens. In association with Anarchist Studies academic journal, the blog facilitates rapid publication and functions as a platform to share opinion and host critical debate. Covid-19 has brought

I never want to see the word “COVIDIOT” again

A disclaimer first. I have shit lungs and I’ve always had shit lungs, I’m chronically ill and the threat of not being able to breathe has been constant throughout my life, I am personally taking this pandemic very, very seriously and everyone should stay at home and ideally enforce a rent strike. However, like most

Covid19 exposes the evil nature of conservatism

The Tory government has totally mishandled the outbreak of Covid 19. We could sit and criticise the government for swaying this way and that in their guidance and their actions since the virus reached the UK; they certainly have a major issue communicating what they believe, why they believe it and crucially why the rest