Freedom News

Book review: The Power

The Power Penguin 2017 ISBN: 9780670919963 Review by E Stolinski ‘The Power’ is nothing less than an instant classic. It’s the sort of book that as soon as I had finished reading it, I wanted to tell all my friends about. Naomi Alderman has written a great piece of feminist speculative fiction with an anti-authoritarian

A world in waiting

“…the weakening of the state, the progressive development of its imperfections, is a social necessity. The strengthening of other loyalties, of alternative foci of power, of different modes of human behaviour, is an essential for survival…Our task is not to gain power , but to erode it, to drain it away from the state.” Colin

Rattling cages: rise of the United Voices of the World

In early August 2018 cleaners at the Ministry of Justice and the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea started a coordinated three-day strike. All migrants, the cleaners joined United Voices of the World (UVW) to fight for better pay and conditions at work. They have been ignored for too long by subcontractors who pay poverty

Squatters digest- low tide: next comes the flood

Welcome to the Squatter’s Digest, a new column for Freedom News, highlighting the ongoings of the squat scene in London and beyond, along with providing opinions on the politics of said goings-on. Quality and coherence are not guaranteed. The 29th of October saw 150 high-court bailiffs and police descend upon the Tidemill Community Garden in

Fighting for the green

A radical network of environmental activism, Earth First! runs two annual major events in Britain, the Winter Moot in the early part of the year and a Summer gathering, taking place this year on August 15th-20th in Sussex. Below, an organiser with the gathering writes on EF!s ethos, beginnings and why the gatherings have been

Fuck Assad, fuck his Western lackeys: An anarchist statement on Eva Bartlett

Tomorrow Eva Bartlett, a self-appointed “independent journalist” who fancies herself an expert on Middle East will be speaking in London. It seems like a good time to repost this excellent statement from  the anarchists in Hamilton, Canada, on Bartlett and why she and other Assad apologists need to be opposed. (zb) “We are convinced that

New Zine: Starting an Anarchist Black Cross

The Anarchist Black Cross is an international network of anarchist groups and individuals engaged in practical solidarity with prisoners and broader anti-repression struggles that started over 100 years ago. This zine is a resource for anyone wanting to start an Anarchist Black Cross group. It was a collective effort of people from various ABC groups