Freedom News

The anarchist media list 2018

The Anarchist Federation in London launched a new podcast yesterday, adding a welcome new voice to what is currently a very short list of anarchist audio outlets (which we’re collating below). The podcast is structured in a topical magazine format, with book reviews, comment and news being covered across a 15-minute programme. The capital has largely

Aspects of syndicalism in Spain, Sweden and USA

Considering the relative weakness of anarcho-syndicalism in Britain historially, Philip Holgate compares three countries where the revolutionary union idea took off and made a major social impact in Spain, Sweden and the US. Holgate, born at Chesterfield, 1934, studied mathematics at Exeter and spent five years teaching in a progressive school. He was a member of

Founding of a New International

The first reports are coming in from the Foundational Congress for a New International — an effort to draw together some of the biggest syndicalist unions worldwide. Update, May 13th: The new name for the international is reportedly the Confederación Internacional del Trabajo (International Confederation of Labour). Besides the CNT (Spain), USI (Italy) and FAU (Germany),

An open letter to Plan C on Corbyn’s Labour

Plan C recently ran a series of articles about the libertarian left and the Labour Party under Corbyn, including three which were very pro engagement. In this rebuttal piece from longstanding Anarchist Federation members Nick Heath and Bonnie VandeSteeg they make the counter-argument that Corbyn offers nothing new to revolutionaries, and indeed presents a threat to living

1936: Eye-Witnesses to Revolutionary loyalist Spain

As Catalonia continues to simmer, Raymond S. Solomon has an overview of that great historic Catalan rebellion — the Spanish Civil War Durruti’s Vision In an interview with journalist Pierre Van Paassen, the great anarcho-syndicalist leader and Spanish loyalist general Buenaventura Durruti said: “We are giving Hitler and Mussolini far more worry with our revolution

Catalonia: Calls for solidarity as general strike looms

Anarchists in Catalonia are backing a region-wide general strike for October 3rd and are calling for solidarity actions against the Spanish government as it brutally represses Catalan independence activists. The CNT anarcho-syndicalist union has agreed to join the strike as anarchists nationwide put up statements condemning Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s decision to send thousands

Fight against toxic prisons tour starts this week

Following a highly successful callout last month, the Empty Cages Collective has announced the details of a ten-day run around Britain for its Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons (CFTP) tour, talking about the fight against the social and ecological impact of the United States prison-industrial complex. The topic is of particular interest in Britain, which as in