Freedom News

Free speech for presidents

Free speech for presidents

Following the short-lived occupation of the US Capitol building, Twitter and a number of other social media platforms have banned US President Donald Trump. Predictably, this led to #thisis1984 trending on Twitter, with the right decrying the ban as Orwellian. Brendan O’Neill of Sp!ked – the publication which leads the advance of terrible opinions from

The free speech article Spiked Online didn’t carry today

The free speech article Spiked Online didn’t carry today

Theresa May announced yesterday that web firms could get just two hours to take down “terrorist content” or face fines — our esteemed editor of poorly-conceived ranting Brandon the Gnoll has the latest hot take. Everyone’s smashing the internet. From tabloid hotheads sledgehammering ISPs and search engines to plummy MPs at Westminster demanding the removal of