Freedom News

Florida prisoner ‘literally tortured’ after detailing prisoner abuse

Florida prisoner ‘literally tortured’ after detailing prisoner abuse

Kevin “Rashid” Johnson, an inmate incarnated in Florida State Prison in Raiford and a member of  Prison Chapter of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP), is facing charges of “inciting a riot or demonstration” after he penned a letter detailing mistreatment of prisoners by the Florida Department of Corrections. Rashid’s letter, entitled “Florida Prisoners Are

Fight against toxic prisons tour starts this week

Fight against toxic prisons tour starts this week

Following a highly successful callout last month, the Empty Cages Collective has announced the details of a ten-day run around Britain for its Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons (CFTP) tour, talking about the fight against the social and ecological impact of the United States prison-industrial complex. The topic is of particular interest in Britain, which as in

Campaign to fight toxic prisons to tour Britain next month

Campaign to fight toxic prisons to tour Britain next month

In a timely move as the prison system faces major market-oriented reform, members of the US-based Campaign to Fight Toxic Prisons will be going on tour around the country in late September and early October to talk about their experiences of — and successes against — the social and ecological impact of the United States prison-industrial