Freedom News

Podcast Review: Talking Shop

In this first review-roundup, Fingers Malone picks out some of the best podcast listening for anarchists. Top suggestion today is an offering from the syndicalist union IWW — Talking Shop. The new IWW podcast Talking Shop covers workplace organising and the changing terrain of struggle at work. It can be found, alongside other bits and

Winter Editorial: Persuasive Pessimism

It is a truism to say that we live in interesting and scary times. With far, or alt-right, groups gaining ground, influence, and increasingly real political power everywhere we look, Brexit looming over all of us in the UK and beyond, thousands of people dying on the Mediterranean Sea while desperately trying to reach the

The Freedom 2018 roundup

Over the last year Freedom News has covered, and in many cases broken, hundreds of stories, run a wide range of feature and analysis pieces and backed anarchist activity worldwide — below is just some of the news from around Britain that we picked up. Happy New Year everyone! Anti-fascism The rise of the alt-right

Trade unions and the tech void

Maurice Reclus considers the problems with organising at firms which are heavily virtualised and sited across multiple countries. I sat in as an observer at a social for Game Workers Unite the other day, an attempt to set up a union for the games development industry. It led to some interesting conversations about the difficulties involved

Glasgow anti-fascists mobilise to see off far-right rally

A demonstration has been called by the Scottish Defence League for tomorrow — but anti-fascists won’t be letting them have it all their own way. The “anti-grooming gangs” protest was called by the far-right group in an effort to capitalise on a grooming gang case in the Four Corners area of the city and will