Freedom News

Solidarity Zone – a new initiative to support anti-war prisoners in Russia

Solidarity Zone – a new initiative to support anti-war prisoners in Russia

Solidarity Zone is a new initiative, established by anti-authoritarian activists. Anarchist Black Cross Moscow is cooperating with the new initiative, and we encourage everyone to support it. Solidarity Zone is a horizontal initiative supporting those persecuted for anti-war actions. We came together in the spring of 2022 to help those left without attention by human

A Oes Heddwch? Welsh peace activism historic and modern

A Oes Heddwch? Welsh peace activism historic and modern

Ahead of Cardiff Stop The Arms Fair protests due tomorrow, Jane Harries writes about some of the peace movement’s historic associations in Wales, and about modern-day movements. At the National Eisteddfod main literature awards, two Druids partly unsheathe a sword above the winning author’s head and ask the audience: ‘A oes Heddwch?’ (‘Is there peace?’) ‘Heddwch!’ (‘Peace!’)

Dsei protesters found not guilty!

Dsei protesters found not guilty!

In the latest round of court cases related to last year’s anti-arms fair protests a not guilty verdict has been handed to four activists today, including well-known campaigner Chris Cole. Handing down the verdict in Stratford Magistrates court, the judge found the group not guilty of obstructing the highway as police had not properly weighed