KRAS, a section of anarchist international the IWA, has come out swinging against the false choice of a right-wing bigot or a murderous autocrat posed by recent protests — in the following statement the group explains why. We, anarchists and anarcho-syndicalists, consider it completely unacceptable for ourselves to take any part in political shows organized
Tag: Anarcho
Review: Anarchist Perspectives in Peace and War, 1900-1918
Anarcho reviews the first of a series of four books which aim to outline the range and nature of libertarian organisations and views in the twentieth century. by A W ZurbruggThe Merlin Press Ltd, 2018 ISBN: 978-0850367416224pp Author, A W Zurbrugg, discusses anarchist and syndicalist perspectives on war before and during the First World War
Aspects of syndicalism in Spain, Sweden and USA
Considering the relative weakness of anarcho-syndicalism in Britain historially, Philip Holgate compares three countries where the revolutionary union idea took off and made a major social impact in Spain, Sweden and the US. Holgate, born at Chesterfield, 1934, studied mathematics at Exeter and spent five years teaching in a progressive school. He was a member of