Freedom News

Corbyn does not deserve our solidarity

Corbyn does not deserve our solidarity

When Jeremy Corbyn became leader of the Labour Party, a broad section of leftists saw an opportunity to shift British politics away from neoliberalism. Everyone from anarchists to trade unionists saw the opportunity and knew that the new leadership would need all the support they could get. They needed that support because they would surely

A rethink about Labour

A rethink about Labour

For most of the last 40 years it has been quite simple making anarchist arguments against the political system. There has barely been a cigarette paper’s difference between the main parties as both rushed to embrace the neo-liberal consensus that sees the role of the State as guaranteeing good conditions for business. And always taking

An open letter to Plan C on Corbyn’s Labour

An open letter to Plan C on Corbyn’s Labour

Plan C recently ran a series of articles about the libertarian left and the Labour Party under Corbyn, including three which were very pro engagement. In this rebuttal piece from longstanding Anarchist Federation members Nick Heath and Bonnie VandeSteeg they make the counter-argument that Corbyn offers nothing new to revolutionaries, and indeed presents a threat to living

The End of Dogma: #KeepCorbyn as a transitional demand.

The current crisis in the British establishment is an unprecedented one. The markets are in turmoil, the Tories are heading into a bitter leadership campaign and the Labour right have opportunistically moved to oust their leader. Anarchist responses to this have been varied with some, like Sabcat Publishing, calling to support Jeremy Corbyn. Others recognise