Freedom News


Protests will be held Britain-wide on March 2nd to denounce US based company Maximus and its takeover of the Work Capability Assessment, previously run by the French IT company ATOS.   In Edinburgh demonstrators are set to descend on the Maximus Assessment Centre in Argyle House on Lady Lawson Street from 1pm onwards on Monday.

Democracy Is Already Direct: A Response To Jon Bigger

The debate around democracy continues with this response to a response (original article is here, Jon Bigger’s response is here.) As I was on my way home from vacation I noticed a response article continuing dialogue that I opened with my most recent article, which was a very basic critique of democracy from an anarchist

Freedom, September 2012

September 2012 issue of Freedom The September 2012 issue is now out and available either directly from Freedom Bookshop or from other good radical bookshops or social centres. Stockists: » Freedom Bookshop, London » Housmans bookshop, London » LARC, London » 56a Infoshop, London » Newham Bookshop, London » Pogo Cafe, London » Rough Trade, east London » Rough Trade, west London » Whitechapel Art Gallery,