Freedom News

France and the Deliveroo ridearound

In France the wildcat strike is certainly the most popular method of protest against Deliveroo, although it is not always the most effective. Riders typically make lists of varying demands, and the company normally reacts by addressing only one or two of the several problems listed — and this is exactly what they have done in

Double book analysis: Peter Davison on George Orwell

In this review and analysis piece, Raymond S. Solomon discusses works by George Orwell and annotations by Peter Davison in two of the Orwell expert’s books, exploring the turbulent 1930s including issues around Palestine, the Spanish revolution, and the beating of Oswald Mosely’s British Union of Fascists. BOOKS REVIEWED Davison, Peter (ed.) (2013) George Orwell: A Life In

Strike for Democracy in the US

Since the day of the election of Donald Trump to office, demonstrations in the USA have continued in response to growing outrage at the right-wing policies and rhetoric of a man who seems destined to ignite previously unknown levels of solidarity across the US. Since January discussion on social media, with Strike4Democracy (S4D) picking up

The current crisis and the rise of the Corbyn dogma

A few days ago Freedom published an article called, “The End of Dogma #keepcorbyn as a Transitional Demand.” In it an occasional Freedom contributor argued for support of the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as he faces a coup organised by right wing Labour MPs, Blairite think tanks and most of the soft left media. It

Book Spotlight: Abolish Restaurants

Author: Originally published:2006 Anyone who has ever worked in the food service industry know that restaurants are, generally, dens of misery. Abolish Restaurants doesn’t shy away from this. The short book is riddled with personal experience and it is the uncompromising vision it presents which makes its arguments so compelling. The work is split

Educate! Agitate! ORGANISE!

Jonathan Bigger brings us the lead piece from the first Freedom news freesheet, explaining Anarchists’ hesitation over large bureaucratic unions and how we can organise ourselves and our workspaces to create the most effective forms of direct labour action…   There are still calls within the British trade union movement for a one day “general