The Anarchist Federation in London launched a new podcast yesterday, adding a welcome new voice to what is currently a very short list of anarchist audio outlets (which we’re collating below).
The podcast is structured in a topical magazine format, with book reviews, comment and news being covered across a 15-minute programme. The capital has largely been down to just one regular show since the closure of Circled A, as Fuck the Bins joins Dissident Island Radio to hopefully offer a regular audio take on matters of interest to anarchists.
The English-speaking anarchist movement, particularly in Britain (the US has the excellent Channel Zero for daily content), has been slow on the uptake for audio-visual output over the last few years, despite producing copious content for individual campaign groups such as Reclaim the Power. And the situation is just as bad for video, with just four groups, mostly infrequently, running sustained channels alongside the (non-anarchist, but friendly) Reel News:
More general Youtube fare
That’s not to say there is no anarchist video content at all. Freedom has looked into a master list of leftist channels which has been going round reddit, and whittled it down to something a bit more manageable. Notable however is that of the below, beyond the excellent Stimulator, none are offering regular news takes, and almost none have an entirely regular production schedule. We have divided them into news/hot takes/comment, explainers, and archive. Some of the archive channels are essentially inactive at present (ie. haven’t produced anything new for at least three months), those are listed separately. Please note, this is only accurate as of July 11th 2018, and Freedom is not endorsing the contents. The vast majority belong to individual vloggers, though some have small collectives
News and comment
Anarcho-Syndicalist Action [Weekly(ish) | Comment]
American Anarchist [Intermittent | discussion]
Anactualjoke [monthly(ish) | Comment]
Anarchist Spectacle [Weekly(ish) | Comment]
Badmouse Productions [Intermittent | discussion, responses, essays]
Bat’ka the Manarchist [daily | Comment, hot takes]
Flea Market Socialist [weekly(ish) | tips, comment, memes]
Libertarian Socialist Rants [monthly(ish) | Comment, explainers]
Red and Black TV [Weekly(ish) | News analysis]
Socialism Or Barbarism! [weekly-plus | messing about, explainers, responses, hot-takes]
Socialist Revolution [weekly(ish) | Comment, explainers]
Stimulator [several weekly | News]
Political explainers and essays
Anarchopac [monthly | Comment, explainers]
Love and Rage [weekly(ish) | Explainers, memes]
Noncompete [weekly-plus | Explainers, comment, comedy]
Thought Slime [weekly | video essays]
Archives (audio books etc)
Audible Anarchist [weekly | Comment, audiobooks]
Chomsky’s Philosophy [collective | weekly | political philosophy, analysis]
Resonance Audio [intermittent | audiobooks]
The Comfy Milk Shop [interviews, audio texts]
Anarchist Collective [ explainers]
The Communist Dragon [comment, shitposting]
Left Sphere [explainers]
What is Anarchism? [explainers]
Have we missed you out? Get in touch and we’ll gladly add you! editor at