Freedom News

Earth First! Summer Gathering starts this week

Environmental direct action movement Earth First! is celebrating 25 years since its first gathering in 1992 this week, as the Summer Moot begins setting up on Wednesday. After a period of slow going in the early 2010s EF! has experienced something of an upsurge in interest over the last three years, with its sunny season

The edge of precarity: Squatting in England and emergency crisis planning

In recent decades squatting has been under near constant assault from a variety of ruling class actors. In 2012 the Conservative/ Liberal Democrat government banned squatting in residential properties for the purposes of living. Councils, Conservative and Labour alike, treat squatters as a public health issues and pressure property owners to fast track evictions. The

Book Review: The Traffic Power Structure

by collective ISBN: 978-1-62963-153-0 PP: 96 Publisher: PM Press This is one of my favorite PM Press books. Compact, loaded, an accessible theoretical dynamite exploding US conceptions of identity and liberty based on automobiles. There are lovely indications of how constructions of liberty and freedom, driving fast on the road, are actually complete systems of domination

Democracy and the NHS

The mythology regarding the 1945-51 Labour governments dies hard on the left, particularly in the era of Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour which often sees itself taking up the mantle of an older, less compromised, form of state socialism. The foundation of the welfare state and the National Health Service is a special touchstone, with both it