Ritual apologies and promises of justice tomorrow offer no solutions to the underlying causes of Grenfell.
Grenfell: Avoidable deaths and the pursuit of profit

Ritual apologies and promises of justice tomorrow offer no solutions to the underlying causes of Grenfell.
The Grenfell Tower disaster shows British capitalism up for what it is. It is brutal slavery masked up with the grey, smiling face of liberal democracy. The mask slips sometimes and we get to see the full horror of our rich and powerful masters clamouring desperately to put it back straight as quickly as possible
A member of the Anarchist Federation writes on guilt and the ever-rising death count in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire. “The people who died and lost their homes – this happened to them because they are poor” ~ Akala, rapper and poet, local resident. “Regeneration is a euphemism for ethnic and class cleansing”