Freedom News

Family on trial over Lancashire anti-frack protests

Family on trial over Lancashire anti-frack protests

Seven people, including three generations of the same family, are in court today charged with “obstructing the highway”  during anti-fracking protests near Blackpool last year. As the trial got underway supporting campaign Reclaim The Power reported a strong showing of solidarity at Preston Magistrates Court. The seven were part of last July’s Rolling Resistance month

Frack firms tout plans for 2018 mining surge

Frack firms tout plans for 2018 mining surge

With permanent protest sites becoming more difficult to maintain as winter draws in, gas fracking company bosses in England have announced in a puff piece today that they intend to throw yet more money at the crisis-hit industry — but appear to be struggling in the face of multiple threats and setbacks. Cuadrilla, which has been

Critical Mass sets off for Rolling Resistance

Critical Mass sets off for Rolling Resistance

At the time of writing a large intrepid band of Critical Mass cyclists are partway through their day-long journey to lend support to anti-fracking protectors on Preston New Road, Lancashire. Beginning in central Manchester, the crew’s 45-mile journey to join Reclaim the Power‘s month-long Rolling Resistance campaign against Cuadrilla is winding its way through local