Freedom News

Solarpunk and anarchist infrapolitics

Connor Owens writes on anarchism and a form of sci-fi that emphasises the possibilities of eco-utopias. Social transformation never happens through economic or legal changes alone. Those changes are always accompanied by alterations in the more informally transformative spheres of culture and ideology, shaping the nuts and bolts of how people think and act. Anarchists

The 2017 General Election – One Year On

Jon Bigger looks over the stumbling Parliamentary scene as Theresa May struggles with Brexit and Ireland. Theresa May is the figurehead of a government that could last a full five-year term or collapse at any moment. It is now just over a year since her party failed to win an overall majority at the last

Spain: temporary end of the anarchist terrorism myth

After a total of 33 arrests, three years of investigation during which hundreds of documents were analysed,  house searches across the country, hours of phone conversations recorded, bank accounts frozen, and, worst of all, after subjecting some of the accused to months of imprisonment, Spain’s Audiencia Nacional tribunal has closed the legal proceedings and state

It’s International Pizza Punk Day’s 20th anniversary!

One Freedom writer looks into the origins of the long-running DIY vegan alternative to Boxing Day — and we talk to one of the people who came up with it. A few years ago members of a radical housing co-op I was helping with, spending their first Christmas in the newly-bought building, found themselves looking

Reflections on Anarchist Organising

In his latest column, Jon Bigger reflects on grassroots anarchist organising. Living on a university campus means I come into contact with lots of people interested in politics for the first time. Some have never heard of anarchism and others have a very slim knowledge of what it is.  It’s slightly different from meeting and

Book extract: Deep Ecology and Anarchism

Marking the run-up to the launch of deep ecology and anarchism at this year’s London Anarchist Bookfair on October 28th, below is the latter part of an essay by Robert Hart, a founding mover of the forest gardening and permaculture movements. The main cause of the ecological crisis is not the “population explosion,” as many

Book Review: Squatting in Britain 1945-1955

by Norman Spinrad ISBN: 978-1-60486-810-4 PP: 264 Publisher: The Merlin Press £16.99 After World War II, many people squatted empty properties, often government-owned ex-Army camps, since a housing crisis had been created as a result of the hugely damaged housing stock, slow state action to build new homes and a huge influx of returning servicemen as well