Freedom News

Germany: FAU calls for May Day solidarity with migrants – we are workers all

Anarchists in Germany have called for May Day 2017 to focus on solidarity with migrants in the face of one of the fiercest reactionary backlashes of the modern era. The FAU anarcho-syndicalist union is launching the action, saying that “migrants are workers, just like us” but are especially suffering under the current political conditions in

Northants Direct Action (NDA) Update

Solidarity – Direct Action – Mutual Support and anarchism in NorthantsNorthants Direct Action is happy to update and report that following its launch last November 2015, and constituting ourselves this March 2016; NDA has continued to hold monthly organising meetings and more importantly to express resistance in Northampton itself and enable members to support activities

The current crisis and the rise of the Corbyn dogma

A few days ago Freedom published an article called, “The End of Dogma #keepcorbyn as a Transitional Demand.” In it an occasional Freedom contributor argued for support of the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn as he faces a coup organised by right wing Labour MPs, Blairite think tanks and most of the soft left media. It

An Anarchist in Love with Mao’s China – Herbert Read’s ‘Letters from China’.

Plus a list of dubious accounts of ‘successful’ revolutions, from Russia to Rojava In the second year of the Great Leap Forward famine – in which perhaps 30 million died – Herbert Read visited China on an official delegation. Read’s acceptance of a knighthood for his literary achievements had already discredited him amongst many anarchists.

Book Spotlight: Abolish Restaurants

Author: Originally published:2006 Anyone who has ever worked in the food service industry know that restaurants are, generally, dens of misery. Abolish Restaurants doesn’t shy away from this. The short book is riddled with personal experience and it is the uncompromising vision it presents which makes its arguments so compelling. The work is split

Democracy Is Already Direct: A Response To Jon Bigger

The debate around democracy continues with this response to a response (original article is here, Jon Bigger’s response is here.) As I was on my way home from vacation I noticed a response article continuing dialogue that I opened with my most recent article, which was a very basic critique of democracy from an anarchist

Democracy: Why It Should Be As Direct As Possible

In ‘Democracy: Why It Should Be As Direct As Possible’ Jon Bigger offers up a response to a recent opinion piece on Freedom News, entitled ‘The Second Greatest Lie: An Anarchist Critique of Democracy.’  Freedom recently published an article calling for a debate on whether direct democracy was desirable [it can be found here]. Titled

First things first…

Review taken from Freedom, February 2012 Joe Maguire on a welcome new overview of our age-old aspirations Introductions to anarchism are always going to be hard work. Anarchism is a pretty hetero­geneous entity, with a lot of scope for emphasis on organisational forms, strategies and tactics. That’s why calls for recommending a beginners’ text are

It’s in the genes

Is the ‘selfish gene’ merely excuse for Thatcherite individualism, asks Richard Frost, and is mutual aid the true human nature? (article taken from Freedom, 6th December 2003) It is curious that Maggie Thatcher announced that there was no such thing as society just as evolutionary theory was becoming dominated by the most extreme form of


Historically one of the most prominent forms of social anarchism, anarcho-syndicalism is a school of thought that views labour unions as a potential force for revolutionary social change, capable of replacing capitalism and the State with a new society democratically self-managed by the workers. The basic idea behind anarcho-syndicalism is to create an industrial workers’