Freedom News

Cuba: Economic change and authoritarian stasis

Cuba: Economic change and authoritarian stasis

Octavio Alberola looks at the Cuban state’s post-Fidel shift towards a more privatised economic model and the way it has prioritised retaining elite interests while the masses remain locked out of the decisions affecting their lives. Alberola, an author and anarcho-syndicalist veteran of the fight against Franco, has spent decades critiquing the Castro regime from

Wartime economics and post-pandemic battles

Wartime economics and post-pandemic battles

The relentless recourse to the language of war to describe the public health emergency seems to signal a shift in mainstream economic debate. In this interregnum, current and future battles could play a decisive role. In the midst of the COVID crisis, nothing seems as pervasive as the language of war; military rhetoric unites economists

Notes from the US

Crime Ex vice-president Cheney’s former oil company, Halliburton, pleaded guilty in late September to destroying evidence after the 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. A former Halliburton manager also faces a new charge of destroying computer simulations after the blast. The fine? US$200,000 (£125,000). Economy The House of Representatives has passed sweeping cuts