Freedom News

The herbal solidarity project resisting state oppression

The herbal solidarity project resisting state oppression

Freedom profiles organiser Nicole Rose, a longtime campaigner for animal rights, the environment, solidarity with political prisoners, migrants and those suffering from trauma. Nicole Rose became politically active at the age of 10. She fondly remembers discovering the anarchist writings of Errico Malatesta while babysitting for her mum’s friend and concludes, “Everything made sense. I finally had

Don’t despair, organise!: Affinity Collective

Don’t despair, organise!: Affinity Collective

Immense urban belts are encroaching unrelentingly on the countryside, replacing flora and fauna with concrete, metal and glass, and enveloping large regions in a haze of atmospheric pollutants. In the mass urban world, human experience itself becomes crude and elemental, subject to brute noisy stimuli and crass bureaucratic manipulation… Years ago, the French students in