Freedom News

Indefensible: Idlib and the left

Indefensible: Idlib and the left

This text was contributed to Freedom by Leila Al-Shami: British Syrian activist and writer, co-author (with Robin Yassin-Kassab) of Burning Country: Syrians in Revolution and War. Leila’s blog on popular struggles, human rights and social justice from an anti-authoritarian perspective can be found here. On Saturday regime and Russian airstrikes intensified on Idlib in what appears

Fuck Assad, fuck his Western lackeys: An anarchist statement on Eva Bartlett

Fuck Assad, fuck his Western lackeys: An anarchist statement on Eva Bartlett

Tomorrow Eva Bartlett, a self-appointed “independent journalist” who fancies herself an expert on Middle East will be speaking in London. It seems like a good time to repost this excellent statement from  the anarchists in Hamilton, Canada, on Bartlett and why she and other Assad apologists need to be opposed. (zb) “We are convinced that

The ‘anti-imperialism’ of idiots

The ‘anti-imperialism’ of idiots

This text was written by Leila Al Shami: a British Syrian whose been  involved in human rights and social justice struggles in Syria and elsewhere in the Middle East since 2000. She was a founding member of Tahrir-ICN: a network connecting anti-authoritarian struggles across the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. She is a co-author