Freedom News

The 2020 Anarchist Bookfairs List

With the recent announcements of dates for Liverpool and the Anti-University, our list of anarchist and radical bookfairs across Britain and Ireland is getting pretty full of events – including Bookfair 2020, the first anarchist showing of its kind in London for three years. It’s looking like a good crop this year with Dundee offering

The Green Anti-Capitalist Front Week of Action 2020: what’s on

It is our great pleasure to report that the Green Anti-Capitalist Front are still holed up in the building formerly known as Paddington Green police station. Much to the dismay of coppers everywhere, GAF have transformed this former temple of state violence into the headquarters for their 2020 week of action, which culminates in the

Top London mayoral candidates cut liberty for expediency as they back Met facial recognition plans

Despite a deeply mixed public reaction to the idea of the Metropolitan Police introducing intrusive surveillance technology city-wide Labour, the Tories and media darling Rory Stewart have all jumped on the chance to look tough on crime at the expense of civil freedoms. In an interview today Stewart joined Sadiq Khan and Tory barely-known Shaun

Lecturers and cleaners stand together as 1,000 picket UCL

Up to 1,000 members of academics union UCU and base union IWGB and their supporters walked the pickets today as part of the first-ever joint strike between cleaners and academic staff at University College London (UCU). The IWGB, representing cleaners, security officers and porters, joined UCU chanting, “Two strikes, one fight!” and, “UCL you’re out