Freedom News

Security staff at UCL to strike over pay as part of campaign against outsourcing

Security staff at UCL to strike over pay as part of campaign against outsourcing

Yesterday, outsourced security staff at University College London (UCL) from the IWGB union voted unanimously to take strike action over pay and union recognition, part of a broader campaign to end exploitative outsourcing. Staff are demanding £15/hr, the same wage paid for their roles before outsourcing began 20 years ago, and union recognition. The IWGB

Lecturers and cleaners stand together as 1,000 picket UCL

Lecturers and cleaners stand together as 1,000 picket UCL

Up to 1,000 members of academics union UCU and base union IWGB and their supporters walked the pickets today as part of the first-ever joint strike between cleaners and academic staff at University College London (UCU). The IWGB, representing cleaners, security officers and porters, joined UCU chanting, “Two strikes, one fight!” and, “UCL you’re out

Students are suffering — rent strikes are the solution

Students are suffering — rent strikes are the solution

If you thought that the student mental health “crisis” was something of an exaggeration, let us start off with some fun statistics. According to recent research by the National Union of Students, 78% of students have experienced mental health problems in the last year. Around half of those who have experienced problems with mental health

Rent Strike: The new wave of student radicalism in London

Rent Strike: The new wave of student radicalism in London

Student rent strikes have become something of a phenomenon in London. Starting with University College London and now encompassing three other universities, including Goldsmiths and the Courtauld Institute, around 1500 are withholding at least £1.2 million from university administrators in protest of rising accommodation costs and shoddy maintenance of student halls.The rent strike is the