Freedom News

The 2022 Anarchist Bookfairs list

The 2022 Anarchist Bookfairs list

Last year saw the first tentative efforts to restart physical anarchist bookfairs amid the Covid crisis, with some success in places like Bradford, London, Manchester and even Stonehenge, and this year it looks like the revival is in full swing. Doing this feature in March, when enough bookfairs have been announced to make a proper

The 2021 Anarchist Bookfairs List

The 2021 Anarchist Bookfairs List

In 2020 real-life anarchist bookfairs were, sadly, largely out of the question and very little happened which wasn’t virtual, including in Dundee, Edinburgh and London which ran extensive showings. This trend continued into the first half of the year, with the recent Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair putting on an excellent event on May 29th-30th (viewable

The 2020 Anarchist Bookfairs List

The 2020 Anarchist Bookfairs List

With the recent announcements of dates for Liverpool and the Anti-University, our list of anarchist and radical bookfairs across Britain and Ireland is getting pretty full of events – including Bookfair 2020, the first anarchist showing of its kind in London for three years. It’s looking like a good crop this year with Dundee offering

London: Far-right bookfair cancelled after local pressure

London: Far-right bookfair cancelled after local pressure

An event touted as the “bookfair of the right” has been cancelled the morning before it was due to take place, after activists pressed the venue over its hosting of a fascist-filled event on International Holocaust Memorial Day. The White Eagle Club in Balham, London, was due to host the fascist get-together, which is linked

Bookfair dumps academy venue over military massacre links

Bookfair dumps academy venue over military massacre links

Organisers with the Bristol Anarchist Bookfair have announced they will refuse to hold this year’s event at secondary school the City Academy following revelations that its parent Trust is sponsored by arms-merchant Rolls Royce. Rolls Royce is heavily partnered with Turkey building jet engines for its military aircraft, and has faced strong criticism for effectively

Anarchist Bookfairs in 2018

Anarchist Bookfairs in 2018

We’re a little late coming out with our list of the year’s anarchist bookfairs, having missed what was by all accounts a very successful showing in Derry on January 27th with a bigger turnout than in 2017 with a huge variety of publications on show. There’s also a big gap in this year’s list at

Your guide to 2017 anarchist bookfairs in the British Isles

Your guide to 2017 anarchist bookfairs in the British Isles

Every year the anarchist movement has its biggest get-together at the London Anarchist Bookfair at the end of October. But there’s a lot of similar events going on between now and then, and we’ve done a roundup below so you’re never short of a book or two. April 29th: Cambridge Radical Bookfair Venue: Portland Arms, 129 Chesterton Road,

Anarchist ‘Bookfair’ Plot

Undercover report from the anarchist bookfair Thousands of Anarchists have descended on Queen Mary College in the East End of London in a first step to ridding the planet of Capitalism and establishing a global environmentally sustainable community based on freedom and cooperation. Under the guise of a ‘bookfair’, the plotters are working on plans