Freedom News

London squatting opportunity of the week – 9.2 seconds to make you a time-lord property millionaire

London squatting opportunity of the week – 9.2 seconds to make you a time-lord property millionaire

This week on Freedom News blatant rip-off of a much more successful and better written Vice column, we commemorate 10 years since the criminalisation of squatting in residential buildings by George F glibly presenting housing opportunities for those who would wish to take them and by asking – how secure is your door?

Review: Deep Adaptation – Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos

Review: Deep Adaptation – Navigating the Realities of Climate Chaos

Trigger warnings for eschatology, despair, grief, climate chaos, near-term societal collapse.

If you, bold snowflake, can make it through that opening sentence without melting into a malaise and retreating to the safe space let me attempt to relay devastation in a digestible format. Me a mere cuck, gibbering from the bedside as reality brain fucks your raw out.

Review: Post-Internet Far Right

Review: Post-Internet Far Right

The creators of the essential antifascist podcast 12 Rules For What? have published the first of two books analyzing current tropes of the right-wing political movement and how it has evolved as both a digital and IRL entity. It’s a sharp, shrewd and up-to-the-minute antifa digest that guides the reader down the rabbit-hole of fash ideology and how it has evolved and organised into it’s current form. In a world gone mad, this book provides a much needed opportunity to comprehend how the far-right has become what it is today.

Review: Good Times In Dystopia

Review: Good Times In Dystopia

Good Times in Dystopia George F Zero Books, 2020 ISBN: 9781789041902 Review by Peter Bearder Featured Image by oneslutriot Additional artwork by Junk Comix The literary output of squats, occupations and other autonomous spaces is vanishingly small. Squatters, almost by definition, are invisible and unchronicled. What literature does exist, often arrives in the form of

Killdren: Dismembers of Parliament – review

Killdren: Dismembers of Parliament – review

KILLDREN ARE BACK! OUT OF THE BUNKERS AND INTO THE STREETS! There can be no more pertinent band releasing a new album this week. Notorious Tunbridge Well’s 2-bit ravepunkers Killdren’s 3rd EP – Dismembers of Parliament – follows 2019’s Disguise The Limit –which infamously got them banned from Glastonbury for the track Kill Tory Scum. In a week where the