Freedom News

Sex workers are under attack– feminists everywhere need to support us

Sex workers are under attack– feminists everywhere need to support us

It was the day after International Women’s Day and I was tired, obviously, but also feeling good about pulling off another strike for the 3rd year in a row in London. I went on twitter looking for photos of our actions, and found something heart-breaking instead: In the Spanish state, my sex working combabes had

Royal College of Nursing to support decriminalisation of prostitution

Royal College of Nursing  to support decriminalisation of prostitution

The Royal College of Nursing (RNC) has voted yesterday in favour of the motion that “this meeting of Congress calls upon the RCN Council to lobby governments across the UK to decriminalise prostitution.” Nurse Lou Cahill, who spoke to the motion commented: “I am proud that nurses today voted to support the decriminalisation of sex

Interview: Raina Roy on the fight against anti-trans bill

Interview: Raina Roy on the fight against anti-trans bill

Despite the Indian parliament passing a bill decriminalising homosexuality last year, activists in the world’s most populous democracy are now mobilising to resist further state repression in the form of the Transgender Persons (Protection of Rights) Bill. The law was passed by the Lok Sabha (House of Commons) in December 2018, and now needs only

London: protest against Trump-inspired law that would endanger sex workers

London: protest against Trump-inspired law that would endanger sex workers

Sex workers yesterday joined with other feminists and human rights activists to voice their opposition to a Trump-inspired ‘anti-trafficking’ law –  in the US  known as SESTA/FOSTA  – ahead of a debate on mirroring them in the UK, which was held in the House of Commons on Wednesday. The proposed legislation, brought to the Parliament

International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers Marked

International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers Marked

Sex workers and allies marked the International Day to End Violence Against Sex Workers by hosting a gathering outside of the Houses of Parliament yesterday.  Led by the English Collective of Prostitutes (ECP) and Sex Worker Advocacy and Resistance Movement (SWARM), they hosted a ceremony to commemorate the ones who’ve lost their lives to violence this