Freedom News

This Is Not A Drill: activists target fossil fuels research facilities in Cambridge

This Is Not A Drill: activists target fossil fuels research facilities in Cambridge

Activists operating under the banner of “This Is Not A Drill” have begun a direct action campaign against Cambridge-based research facilities with lucrative connections to the fossil fuel industry. The group’s first actions were reported on July 15, when windows were smashed at a research organisation named the “Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme (CASP)”. Holding charitable

XR and Just Stop Oil Coalition continue their actions against the fossil fuel industry

XR and Just Stop Oil Coalition continue their actions against the fossil fuel industry

It has been a few busy days in climate emergency activism. On Friday 1st April, Extinction Rebellion and groups associated in the Just Stop Oil Coalition have blocked several major oil facilities across the UK, stating they will “continue to block the sites until the UK Government agrees to end all new fossil fuel investments

Campaigners join London cycling instructors in call to scrap devastating 100% cuts to cycle training

Campaigners join London cycling instructors in call to scrap devastating 100% cuts to cycle training

Women’s cycling campaigners, local business owners, councillors, cyclists, and cycling instructors across London have signed an open letter calling for Sadiq Khan to immediately cancel proposed 100% cuts to in-person cycling training. Amidst the cost of living crisis, the proposed cuts would mean an end to cycling instructors’ main source of income. Cycling instructors also

Devastate to insulate?

Devastate to insulate?

As Insulate Britain call a ‘temporary pause’ in their campaign of road blocking, Bill Stickers asks participants is this the road ahead, or a cul-de-sac? After five weeks of causing disruption through human roadblocks, ignoring arrests, assaults, High Court injunctions and the threats of new laws, Extinction Rebellion spin-off Insulate Britain (IB) are vowing to

Notes from the US

Notes from the US

Freedom’s long-running US correspondent Louis Further does his monthly roundup of some of the lesser-known stories that have emerged over the last few weeks. Freedom’s Notes from the US (which has been published without interruption since 2005) doesn’t normally concern itself with ‘moods’ or ‘atmospheres’. And while it is impossible to gauge the extent of

The Green Anti-Capitalist Front Week of Action 2020: what’s on

The Green Anti-Capitalist Front Week of Action 2020: what’s on

It is our great pleasure to report that the Green Anti-Capitalist Front are still holed up in the building formerly known as Paddington Green police station. Much to the dismay of coppers everywhere, GAF have transformed this former temple of state violence into the headquarters for their 2020 week of action, which culminates in the

Justified Resistance in the Face of Catastrophe

Justified Resistance in the Face of Catastrophe

What acts of resistance are justified in the face of an overwhelming injustice? The resistance of the rebel or revolutionary is weighed against the costs imposed by the oppressor: destroyed lives, damaged livelihoods, and affronts to human dignity. The scale and scope of the oppression, in each instance, calls forth a reciprocal and necessary response.