Freedom News
The 2020 Anarchist Bookfairs List

The 2020 Anarchist Bookfairs List

With the recent announcements of dates for Liverpool and the Anti-University, our list of anarchist and radical bookfairs across Britain and Ireland is getting pretty full of events – including Bookfair 2020, the first anarchist showing of its kind in London for three years.

It’s looking like a good crop this year with Dundee offering a whole new event while the London Radical Bookfair makes a return following its 2019 hiatus. We’ve also included in this edition a couple of other notable events which are not technically bookfairs, but fit the general theme!

Most of the regular showings are now declared (impressively well ahead of time in most cases), but we’ll keep updating as we go.

March 14th: Dundee —- CANCELLED —

Boomerang Community Centre, 10 Kemback St, DD4 6ET

Sadly it looks like the event, the of its kind in recent memory, won’t be taking place due to the possibility of spreading the coronavirus. The organisers said:

” We’ve been watching as things unfold. In light of the large events ban put in place by Nicola Sturgeon, and in consideration of the health and well being of our attendees, as well as those they will interact with in the coming days, we have decided to cancel the bookfair. We have had more than one stall holder cancel due to the development regarding Covid-19, so in conjunction with all of the recent developments, this is the conclusion we came to. As a collective, we will continue to talk about next steps, and where we go from here, perhaps smaller or more local events or an online one. As the situation with Covid-19 is an unfolding pandemic, one without any end date in sight, the bookfair will be cancelled rather than postponed.”

Facebook event

April 18th: Liverpool Anarchist Bookfair

At The Black-E, 1 Great George Street

More details soon.

Website | Facebook | Contact

The Anarchist Festival: May 1st-4th

Various times and places, see website for details

The idea is simple: groups or individuals put on their own anarchist events and actions, the programme is then collated and promoted on anarchist websites and social media. Last year was a success story with events across the country.

DEADLINE ALERT! Please be sure to submit your event by 1st April 2020 for inclusion in the programme. Any event submitted later than this date will not be included.

Facebook | Twitter | Contact: anarchistfestival[at]

May 9th: Newcastle Ewan Brown Anarchist Bookfair

10am-11pm at Star and Shadow Cinema, 210 Warwick Street, NE2 1BB

With a good number of stalls already confirmed, a fantastic space at the Start and Shadow, and a set of interesting-looking workshops this year’s event, named in honour of the much loved Ewan Brown, is a must-see.

Facebook | Event page | Contact: newcastleanarchistbookfair [at]

May 16th: Bristol Radical History Fair

10.30am- 4.30pm at M-Shed, Princes Wharf, Wapping Rd, Bristol BS1 4RN

This year’s event has two key themes, State & corporate surveillance since the late 18th century, and hidden histories of post-war Britain 1945-51.

Website | Facebook | Twitter

June 20th: Edinburgh Anarchist Feminist Bookfair

10.30am-7pm at the City of Edinburgh Methodist Church, 25 Nicolson Square, EH8 9BX

In year three and still going strong, the Edinburgh bookfair is busy putting together its content at the moment, and has put out calls for talks on a wide range of topics including fatphobia and the Scottish Witch Trials.

Website | Facebook | Event page | Twitter | Contact: AFB (at) riseup (dot) net

June 6th-13th: Anti-University 2020

Various times and places, check out their website for details.

Hosting its sixth festival of radical, decentralised and non-institutional education, anti-uni has just announced its formal schedule for this year.

April 4th-25th: Event registration period, May 9th: Program published, June 6th-13th: Events

Event page  | Contact: antiuniversitynow at

June 27th: London Radical Bookfair

12pm-6pm at Goldsmiths University, Lewisham Way, SE14 6NW

Back after a break last year, there will be over 130 exhibitors this time round including only booksellers but also radical publishers, zine makers, artists and activists. Organised by the Alliance of Radical Booksellers (ARB).

Website| Facebook | Event page | Contact: cristina[at] or phone 020 7837 4473

August 8th: Dorset Radical Bookfair

11am-6pm at Dorchester Corn Exchange, High E Street, DT1 1HF

Dorchester managed a pretty reasonable showing last year despite unfortunate clashes with the Bradford Bookfair and the Dorset County Show, but will hopefully have the day more to itself this year. With stalls, talks, food, a dedicated kids area and lovely people, it’s worth a trip.

Website | Facebook  | Contact: dorsetbookfair at

September 5th: Bradford Anarchist Bookfair

11.30am-5.30pm at the 1 in 12 Club, Albion Street 21-23, BD1 2LY

Bradford’s long-running anarchist hub does it for the third time running. Organiser Rebel Cat notes: “This year we are doing the stalls between 11.30 and 4.30pm with talks, poetry/performance art as well. This will be followed by an evening of Anarchist Games between 5pm and 7,15pm and finally to wrap the evening off we will have a DJ Request Show with snacks and chat with more informal games (bring along what you want to play)!”

Website | Facebook event | Twitter

October 17th: Bookfair 2020 – Anarchist Bookfair in London

Location – TBA / North London

A smaller affair than the pre-2017 London Bookfairs, but already pulling in some excellent speakers and with most of the major publishers on board, it’ll be an entertaining ride.

Website | Facebook  | Twitter  | Contact

November 7th: Nottingham

At the Mechanics Institute, South Sherwood Street

Run by Five Leaves Bookshop, with lots of supporting events throughout the day, more details TBA.

Facebook | Contact:

Yet to declare:

Bristol (Anarchist): “Will either be late this year or into 2020” according to organisers. Facebook

Glasgow: There’s moves afoot, possibly in Autumn. Website | Facebook

Manchester: Is likely to be happening late November if everything comes together. Website | Facebook | Twitter

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