Freedom News

3… 2… 1… Antifa are go

The London Anti-Fascist Assembly (LAFA) launched this year as a pan-city grassroots anti-fascist coalition made up of groups from across the left. Below, a member of far-right monitoring podcast 12 Rules For WHAT (@12rulesforwhat) considers the challenges ahead. In February more than 150 anti-fascists packed into a social centre in Dalston to discuss and plan

London: TERFs crash Mayday march

Today in London, a group of Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists (TERFs) attempted to join the Mayday march with a transphobic banner. After being challenged by the London Anti-Fascist Assembly (LAFA) and other members of the parade together with two members from Edinburgh Antifa,  the TERFs then called the march stewards who also agreed that their

BREAKING: Anti Raids Network shut down London immigration enforcement base

The activists from Anti Raids Network have successfully shut down the Eaton House immigration enforcement base in Hunslow. Eaton House is one of four immigration enforcement bases in London. It covers West London area. Immigration enforcement officers plan their operations and leave from there to carry out raids and intelligence gathering visits. The blockade, involving

Evict your Landlord: Wir Bleiben Alle! We All Stay.

Today thousands of people marched through Berlin for the Interkiezonale Star Demo against a wave of radical centre evictions – and for the occasion we are pleased to publish this meticulous probe into the situation by anarchist investigative journalist Joe Reynolds. The star demo, so-called for its use of a tactic where different “fingers” of

Protests take on mega-prisons construction giant Kier

The rally yesterday afternoon in central London was drawing attention to private companies which are profiting from increased rates of policing and incarceration – part of the Americanisation of the British prisons sector. Campaigners gathered outside Kier’s regional office at 33 Foley Street as it is cashing in on the construction of two new giant