Freedom News

New research: 1313 homeless deaths in 2022

New research: 1313 homeless deaths in 2022

New research by Museum of Homelessness has revealed another increase in the number of people dying while homeless in the UK – with nationwide figures reaching 1313 in 2022, an 85% increase on the numbers recorded by the study in 2019. These statistics include people sleeping rough as well as those placed in emergency accommodation

No pedlars at our fundraiser: A sketch on charity and exclusion

No pedlars at our fundraiser: A sketch on charity and exclusion

One of the big problems with how institutional charity has replaced human solidarity towards the homeless is that it frequently excludes people actually needing help from the conversation – a phenomenon which was brought home yesterday to Freedom Press author Andrew Fraser. Andrew, whose precarious position has seen him move intermittently from rough sleeping to

Chester’s homeless have had enough!

Chester’s homeless have had enough!

726 people died on the UK’s streets last year. Well in excess of 120,000 people applied to their local councils to be recognised as homeless in the hopes of having access to meagre support. Meanwhile 200,000 houses sit empty. Then there are all the commercial and industrial units lying dormant and decaying. Chester, like most

Manchester homeless open letter to Andy Burnham: ‘You’re setting us up to fail’

Manchester homeless open letter to Andy Burnham: ‘You’re setting us up to fail’

Having very efficiently attacked political squatting in the early days of its tenure in 2017-18, Andy Burnham’s administration is currently in the process of fulfilling his “ending rough sleeping” pledge by potentially banning it in the city centre — and offering unsuitable accommodation. Below, a group of homeless people in Eccles describe their experience of