Freedom News
Unions hit targets across London in co-ordinated strikes

Unions hit targets across London in co-ordinated strikes

Hundreds of mostly migrant workers were involved in the actions, which saw The IWGB and UVW unions lead walkouts and rallies alongside RMT and PCS.

Strikers marched to exploitative workplaces across the city to demand an end to outsourcing before finishing with a rally at the Ministry of Justice, where UVW members are campaigning for the London Living Wage and parity of conditions with in-house staff.

A security guard organised with the UVW at the Ministry said: “Our entitlements have been denied us. We need better conditions.

The PCS workers, including cleaners, security guards and catering staff, are organised at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy. University of London cleaners with IWGB and RMT trade unionists opposing outsourcing were also active on the day.

UoL cleaner Margarita Cunalata said outside Parliament: “We need to end this discrimination between those who count and those who don’t count at all.”

The strikes were preceded on Monday by a linked action from taxi drivers organised by the United Private Hire Drivers (UPHD) branch of the IWGB trade union blocked traffic for several hours in protest against Sadiq Khan’s new congestion charge proposals at Parliament Square on Monday.

Pics courtesy of UVW and IWGB

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