Freedom News

Resisting Nazi Occult Metal: Lessons from Australia

Resisting Nazi Occult Metal: Lessons from Australia

Black Metal still has a far right problem—here are some tools to fight back Despite what some fans may claim, far right political organizing in the extreme metal scene was not a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon that ended in the 1990s. In parallel with the global rise of fascism over the past decade, National Socialist Black Metal

The Senate invasion was a gift to the State: don’t wrap it up for them

The Senate invasion was a gift to the State: don’t wrap it up for them

In the wake of the invasion of the US Senate it’s been mildly disappointing, if not surprising, to see some lefties joining in to call it terrorism and/or sedition. It’s understandable that liberals might come up with this guff, after all they’ve always had their hypocritical streak when the public’s activities interfere with their preferences

Anti-fascists confront Patriotic Alternative in Halloween surprise

Anti-fascists confront Patriotic Alternative in Halloween surprise

On Saturday the 31st of October over 40 anti-fascists travelled to Sevenoaks to oppose a hike organised by Patriotic Alternative (PA), a fascist political organisation that has been building influence on the far right. PA have been using invite only hikes to build an activist base. Crews from across the country, including Football Lads and

On the BUF flag, the conspiracy march and the poverty of anti-fascist analysis

On the BUF flag, the conspiracy march and the poverty of anti-fascist analysis

On Saturday, thousands of conspiracy theorists descended on Trafalgar Square to demonstrate against coronavirus restrictions, vaccines and 5G networks. The crowd was addressed by an array of speakers, prominent among them Piers Corbyn, the brother of Jeremy Corbyn and the UK’s premier conspiracist, David Icke. It was a large and heterogeneous group, difficult to label

France: Far-right mob attack gay bar and left-wing hangout in masked rampage through Le Mans

France: Far-right mob attack gay bar and left-wing hangout in masked rampage through Le Mans

On Saturday night, a mob of forty far-right militants, carrying iron bars, baseballs bats and batons, rampaged through the city of Le Mans, France attacking the city’s only gay bar, as well as well-known left-wing haunt, Le Lézard. The riot followed a demonstration in the town by far-right monarchist group Action Française. While Action Française