Freedom News

D I Why?: Because we gotta!

D I Why?: Because we gotta!

As Ruth Kinna reminded us lately in issue 11 of Dope magazine, John Lydon of the Sex Pistols has openly confessed that he was never an anarchist. And nobody anywhere was actually surprised. Anarchy — like sex, revolution and rock ‘n’ roll — sells. The Malcolm McLaren Money Machine had very little to do with

Michelle Cruz Gonzales on staying punk and teaching lessons

Michelle Cruz Gonzales on staying punk and teaching lessons

Since the 18th century, European and Western anarchists have been keenly interested in education. While figures such as William Godwin and Max Stirner helped with the initial framing, interest and application increased in the late 19th century. From the time of Ferrer and the Modern Schools in New York City (1911), anarchist education developed rhizomatically

It’s International Pizza Punk Day’s 20th anniversary!

It’s International Pizza Punk Day’s 20th anniversary!

One Freedom writer looks into the origins of the long-running DIY vegan alternative to Boxing Day — and we talk to one of the people who came up with it. A few years ago members of a radical housing co-op I was helping with, spending their first Christmas in the newly-bought building, found themselves looking

Interview with The Restarts

Interview with The Restarts

Our Music editor Tim Forster brings us another great interview, this time with left-wing punk band The Restarts! Where would you place The Restarts politically? You started in the mid 1990s, has your politics changed over time? Restarts have always sat firmly left of centre, anti racist, non nationalist and pro equality. Basically anything that